According to preliminary estimates, the publicly listed game developer and publisher increased its sales by 22% YoY, reaching PLN 3.8 million. The dynamic increase in Artifex Mundi’s revenues was brought about by the growing profits from the free-to-play segment, with the Unsolved application in the forefront, whose revenues from commercialization in January increased by 117%, reaching PLN 1.9 million.
In January, the revenues from the free-to-play segment increased by 87%, reaching PLN 2.4 million. The sales results adjusted for player acquisition expenditures increased by 150% YoY, reaching PLN 0.9 million. In January, the revenues from the HOPA premium segment amounted to PLN 1.3 million, compared to almost PLN 1.8 million in the previous year.
The publicly listed company’s driving force remains the Unsolved mobile app, which offers players the chance to play some of the HOPA games available in Artifex Mundi’s portfolio for a limited time (based on usable energy, which is slightly renewed every day and can be purchased in the application). After a temporary reduction of the application’s player acquisition expenditures, which resulted from, among others, changes in the iOS environment and their impact on the advertising market, Artifex Mundi has been gradually increasing the scale of its advertisement expenditures since the end of 2021. In January of the current year, they were equal to PLN 1.5 million.
“In recent months, we’ve been working hard on adjusting our UA strategy and campaign effectiveness monitoring mechanic to the new conditions. We are pleased with the effects, which is why we considerably increased the scale of advertising spending for Unsolved in the last weeks. We have every reason to believe that Unsolved is back on the path of development, which will provide us with many ways to make our stockholders happy,” says Przemysław Błaszczyk, President of the publicly listed company.