In August, the publicly listed game developer and publisher’s revenues reached a record-breaking amount of PLN 8 million. That’s 3% more than in July of the current year and as much as 170% more than in August 2022. Last month, the revenues from the commercialization of Unsolved, Artifex Mundi’s key product, increased by over 300% YoY.
The revenues from the free-to-play segment in August of the current year amounted to PLN 7.2 million, compared to PLN 6.8 million in July of the current year and less than PLN 2 million in August 2022. In the last month, most of the revenues from the segment and most of the revenues of the entire company were generated by Unsolved, which provides players with free-to-play access to some of the best HOPA games available in the Artifex Mundi’s portfolio. The revenues from its commercialization were equal to over PLN 7.1 million, with PLN 6.7 million the month before and PLN 1.7 million in the previous year.
The player acquisition costs in August amounted to nearly PLN 4.5 million, which was 3% less than the month before. Compared to August 2022, player acquisition spending was increased by PLN 3.6 million.
“August brought us another improvement of Unsolved’s key performance indicators, which had a positive impact on its income-generating potential. The game grows in popularity every month and fares perfectly well, even during the holiday season, when HOPA games usually experience a decline in popularity. We hope that September will be another successful month for Unsolved, which will let us end the 3rd quarter of 2023 with deeply satisfying results,” says Przemysław Błaszczyk, President of the publicly listed company.